EDELMIRA ALF Assisted Living Facility (1376751685)



19720 SW 116TH AVE
MIAMI, FL 33157
Phone: (305)-253-0649
Fax: (305)-253-0649
Date Modified: 04/30/2018
Specialty: Assisted Living Facility
Taxonomy code: 310400000X

Providers Details
EDELMIRA ALF has a specialty listed as Assisted Living Facility. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of MIAMI, in the state of FL. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 19720 SW 116TH AVE . The providers telephone number is (305)-253-0649 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Not Reported.
Nursing and Custodial Care Facilities: Nursing Care Facilities are essentially nursing homes that are normally the highest level of care for the elders of the population, outside of the hospital. Custodial Care Facilities help individuals with their daily living activates, preparing food and self-administering medications that don't require specific medical care. Custodial Care is non-medical.
Assisted Living Facility: These facilities offer supervision or help with the activities of daily living. They are coordinated with services outside medical health care providers, while monitoring resident activities to help make sure the individuals are health, safe and looked after.


Reviews and Ratings:

2 Flask Rating for EDELMIRA ALF
Comment: comment review comments reviews Alerto a todas las personas que tengan intenciones de necesitar del servicio de esta compania mucho cuidado pues resultan ser bien racistas levantadoras de falsos en verdad muy descriminadoras y ofencivas por el simple hecho de tener un prejuicio racial excesivo y peligroso por favor aquellos hijos que necesitan de un lugar donde sus seres queridos esten enpas en la ultima etapa de su vida a todos les hago un llamado que no dejen a sus familiars en este lugar los prejuicios raciales son muy peligrosos vigilancia constante con sus familiars a fin de cuenta es lo mas importante por experiencia si se encuentran en este lugar remuevalo de inmediato alerta roja muy roja y es en serio This is a warning to all persons needing the services of an assisted living facility be very careful of this company they are racist and false accusers they have a very excessive and dangerous racial prejudice please those children who need a place where their loved ones may have peace in the last stage of their life do not leave your family member here it is very dangerous and there is constant surveillance it is very important due to previous experience if your family member is here to remove them immediately from this facility very red alert red and serious
Posted on 01/25/2015 by anonymous
1 Flask Rating for EDELMIRA ALF
Comment: comment review comments reviews Alerto a todas las personas que tengan intenciones de necesitar del servicio de esta compania mucho cuidado pues resultan ser bien racistas levantadoras de falsos en verdad muy descriminadoras y ofencivas por el simple hecho de tener un prejuicio racial excesivo y peligroso por favor aquellos hijos que necesitan de un lugar donde sus seres queridos esten enpas en la ultima etapa de su vida a todos les hago un llamado que no dejen a sus familiars en este lugar los prejuicios raciales son muy peligrosos vigilancia constante con sus familiars a fin de cuenta es lo mas importante por experiencia si se encuentran en este lugar remuevalo de inmediato alerta roja muy roja y es en serio This is a warning to all persons needing the services of an assisted living facility be very careful of this company they are racist and false accusers they have a very excessive and dangerous racial prejudice please those children who need a place where their loved ones may have peace in the last stage of their life do not leave your family member here it is very dangerous and there is constant surveillance it is very important due to previous experience if your family member is here to remove them immediately from this facility very red alert red and serious
Posted on 01/25/2015 by anonymous

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