Occupational Medicine 2083X0100X

Occupational Medicine: Is the specialty branch of medicine that is most active the field of Occupational Health. The main role is the provision of health advice to individuals and organizations to make sure the highest standards of health and safety at work can be maintained. These doctors have a wide knowledge of clinical medicine and be competent in numerous important areas.

Taxonomy Code: 2083X0100X

Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians | Preventive Medicine | Occupational Medicine

Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians: Allopathic physicians are general doctors (Medical Doctor or MD), whereas osteopathic physicians (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or DO) deal specifically with Osteopathy, targeting in healing the body with minimal use of medicine with an emphasis focusing on preventative care. Both types are fully licensed physicians, educated in diagnosing, as well as offering treatment for various illnesses and disorders.

Preventive Medicine: This kind of medicine focuses on specific measures taken to prevent diseases, rather than waiting and trying to cure or treat them. Most General Physicians are focused on preventative medicine. The idea is taking basic precautions to avoid developing a condition that needs treatment.

Occupational Medicine specialists are located in these States: