School 101YS0200X

School: Is an institution used from teaching students under the control of teachers. There are a multitude of schools available for study. The School Of Medicine is where a soon to be doctor would study.

Taxonomy Code: 101YS0200X

Behavioral Health and Social Service Providers | Counselor | School

Behavioral Health and Social Service Providers: Include a group of health care professionals that offer support for addictive, learned and sometimes inherited behaviors. These issues are inclusive of drug abuse, older adult services, HIV prevention and education, alcoholism, transitions back into society after treatment, mental health and numerous other social and behavioral health issues. Examples include clinical psychologists, mental health counselors and psychiatrists.

Counselor: This is a person trained to offer guidance on social, personal or psychological issues. There are numerous different types of counselors within the health field. Examples of counselors are psychiatrists, therapists, social workers, sex therapists and marriage and family therapists.

School specialists are located in these States: