Orthoptist 156FX1900X

Orthoptist: An Orthopist is an expert that works with opthalmologists to evaluate and treat various eye disorders consisting of eye movement and eye alignment. They often help patients overcome or control ocular conditions including cross eyes, double vision and lazy eye. Lazy eye is medically called amblyopia.

Taxonomy Code: 156FX1900X

Eye and Vision Services Providers | Technician/Technologist | Orthoptist

Eye and Vision Services Providers: Include Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians. Simply put they are doctors and nurses of the eyes. They are responsible for examining, diagnosing and treating issues pertaining to sight.

Technician/Technologist: A Technician looks after technical equipment or does practical work in a laboratory. They are experts in practically applying a science. As well, they are often known for being skilled in artistic and intellectual technique.

Orthoptist specialists are located in these States: