Sleep Medicine 207QS1201X

Sleep Medicine: This medical specialty is focused on diagnosing and the therapy of sleep disturbances and disorders. In this process is a thorough medical history and diagnosis as symptoms are vary different within this specialty. One method of diagnosing is a polysomnography, that records sleep stages and respiratory events during a sleep period.

Taxonomy Code: 207QS1201X

Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians | Family Medicine | Sleep Medicine

Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians: Allopathic physicians are general doctors (Medical Doctor or MD), whereas osteopathic physicians (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or DO) deal specifically with Osteopathy, targeting in healing the body with minimal use of medicine with an emphasis focusing on preventative care. Both types are fully licensed physicians, educated in diagnosing, as well as offering treatment for various illnesses and disorders.

Family Medicine: This is a medical specialty devoted to diversified care for people of any age. It is considered primary care and ensures comprehensive health care for anybody of any age or sex. Family Medicine is where general practitioners practice and it focuses on prevention and health promotion.

Sleep Medicine specialists are located in these States: