Specialist/Technologist 235500000X

Specialist/Technologist: A Specialist is an expert in a specific profession. Normally a Specialist will have further education than most people in their chosen field. For example, a Pediatrician is a specialist with children and has studied more than a general practitioner.

Taxonomy Code: 235500000X

Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers | Specialist/Technologist | Specialist/Technologist

Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers: Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers offer evaluation and treatment options for specific language and hearing issues. They can be found working in numerous settings including private and public schools, group homes, hospitals and nursing facilities. They work with such issues as articulation, expressive language, stuttering, pragmatic language, swallowing and oral motor skills.

Specialist/Technologist: A Specialist is an expert in a specific profession. Normally a Specialist will have further education than most people in their chosen field. For example, a Pediatrician is a specialist with children and has studied more than a general practitioner.

Specialist/Technologist specialists are located in these States: