Occupational Medicine 261QX0100X

Occupational Medicine: Is the specialty branch of medicine that is most active the field of Occupational Health. The main role is the provision of health advice to individuals and organizations to make sure the highest standards of health and safety at work can be maintained. These doctors have a wide knowledge of clinical medicine and be competent in numerous important areas.

Taxonomy Code: 261QX0100X

Ambulatory Health Care Facilities | Clinic/Center | Occupational Medicine

Ambulatory Health Care Facilities: There are numerous Ambulatory Health Care Facilities. These facilities cover ambulatory surgery centers, office-based surgery centers, student health care centers and endoscopy centers. As well as health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations.

Clinic/Center: A Clinic is a spot where individuals go for health care. Doctors will hold clinics to see their patients and handle their concerns. Flu Clinics are held yearly to vaccinate people against the flu.

Occupational Medicine specialists are located in these States: