Nursing Facility Supplies 332BN1400X

Nursing Facility Supplies: There are numerous nursing facility supplies within the healthcare field. Supplies such as stethoscopes, thermometers and goniometers are required. Along with blood pressure units, ophthalmoscopes and medical supplies, to name a few.

Taxonomy Code: 332BN1400X

Suppliers | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies | Nursing Facility Supplies

Suppliers: Health suppliers may refer to numerous manufacturers, distributers, wholesalers and wholesalers and other services that are used within the health care industry. For instance, a medical supplier with provide a hospital with items such as gauze, medical tape, bandages and cotton balls. A specific supplier may be used to order specific drugs from for prescription purposes.

Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies: Describes any medical equipment or supplies used in a home to help improve the quality of living. This might refer to handles in the bathtub, to help an elderly person get out of the bath independently. Or is may be some bandages and tape to help an individual replace their feeding tube.

Nursing Facility Supplies specialists are located in these States: