Oncology 364SX0200X

Oncology: Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors that are cancerous. An Oncologist is a doctor that practices specifically in oncology. It is concerned with diagnosing cancer, therapy, follow-up, palliative care and screening.

Taxonomy Code: 364SX0200X

Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers | Clinical Nurse Specialist | Oncology

Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers: A Physician Assistant refers to a healthcare professional that is trained and fully licensed to practice the art of medicine with minimal supervision of a fully licensed physician. Advanced Practice Nursing is inclusive of either a clinical nurse specialist or a nurse practitioner. Clinical nurses offer expert nursing care and help with the development of clinical structures, whereas a nurse practitioner gives direct care, focusing in on the treatment and care of patients.

Clinical Nurse Specialist: Is an advanced practice nurse, with a masters or doctorate. They work with other nurses to improve their nursing practices and offer clinical expertise to help implement system-wide changes for improvement. Examples of different specialties are pediatrics, critical care, diabetes, psychiatric and wounds.

Oncology specialists are located in these States: