Religious Nonmedical Practitioner 374K00000X

Religious Nonmedical Practitioner: This is an individual who is both devoted to religion and familiar with non-medical health care procedures. They often treat patients with non-invasive means. These practitioners are not licensed to practice medicine.

Taxonomy Code: 374K00000X

Nursing Service Related Providers | Religious Nonmedical Practitioner | Religious Nonmedical Practitioner

Nursing Service Related Providers: Service providers like nurses are critical in the overall well-being of the community. These specialty providers may not have a nursing degree but they perform services similar to a nurse. Some examples are child care servants, maids, cooks, healers, attendants and daycare workers.

Religious Nonmedical Practitioner: This is an individual who is both devoted to religion and familiar with non-medical health care procedures. They often treat patients with non-invasive means. These practitioners are not licensed to practice medicine.

Religious Nonmedical Practitioner specialists are located in these States: