Respite Care Camp 385HR2050X

Respite Care Camp: Respite Care Camp is offered for children with a chronic illness. These camps are a short-term 'break' for the caregivers of children that are challenged with severe mental and physical illnesses. This is a great experience for children that have high needs and wouldn't normally be able to attend a regular day camp.

Taxonomy Code: 385HR2050X

Respite Care Facility | Respite Care | Respite Care Camp

Respite Care Facility: Respite Care Facilities offer short-term care or temporary relief, to people that otherwise might be required to live in a permanent facility outside of the home. It enables the main health care provider to have a 'break' from caring a disabled being. This temporary care can last a few hours, few days or a few weeks.

Respite Care: Respite Care is an important part of the total support that families require to keep their child with a disability or serious chronic illness at home. It is short-term relief that allows a caregiver a break, that might otherwise have to place the individual in an institution outside of the home. Respite Care is designed specifically for children.

Respite Care Camp specialists are located in these States: