Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers Subspecialties

Acute Care:
This is an area of secondary health care in which a patient gets active but short-term treatment for a serious injury or illness. Acute Care is the opposite of chronic care. This type of care is often delivered by teams of health care professionals working together.
Acute Care:
This is an area of secondary health care in which a patient gets active but short-term treatment for a serious injury or illness. Acute Care is the opposite of chronic care. This type of care is often delivered by teams of health care professionals working together.
Adult Health:
Numerous physical, emotional, mental and social factors affect adult health. Social factors such as income, education and race directly affect the adult health population. Physical factors affecting health are illness, diet, exercise, genetic inheritance, alcohol and smoking.
Adult Health:
Numerous physical, emotional, mental and social factors affect adult health. Social factors such as income, education and race directly affect the adult health population. Physical factors affecting health are illness, diet, exercise, genetic inheritance, alcohol and smoking.
Advanced Practice Midwife:
This is a controversial notion in midwifery as a whole. It is academic merit within this field. However this is not a professional qualification.
Anesthesiologist Assistant:
They are a valuable member of the anesthesia care team. They work closely with the anesthesiologist during the procedure. Some of their duties are to provide technical support, airway management assistance and monitor the patient's vital signs.
Chronic Care:
Refers to medical care that addresses long term illness. Acute care is focused on short term care. Some chronic medical conditions are asthma, congestive heart disease and hypertension.
Clinical Nurse Specialist:
Is an advanced practice nurse, with a masters or doctorate. They work with other nurses to improve their nursing practices and offer clinical expertise to help implement system-wide changes for improvement. Examples of different specialties are pediatrics, critical care, diabetes, psychiatric and wounds.
Community Health:
Community health is a public health field. It's a discipline concerned with studying and bettering the health characteristic of communities. If tends to focus on geographical areas. This requires the collective effort of numerous health care professionals and organizations in order to be successful.
Community Health/Public Health:
This public health field is a discipline concerned with the study and bettering of the health characteristics of biological communities. It focuses on geographical areas. Public and Community Health systems focus on educating the public on good healthy living and prevention tactics.
Critical Care Medicine:
Critical Care Medicine is also known as Intensive-Care Medicine. It is focused with the provision of life support or various organ support systems in patients that are very ill and require constant monitoring. Critical Care is only offered to patients that have a good change of reversing their condition.
Critical Care Medicine Nurse Practitioner:
Critical Care Medicine is also known as Intensive-Care Medicine. It is focused with the provision of life support or various organ support systems in patients that are very ill and require constant monitoring. Critical Care is only offered to patients that have a good change of reversing their condition.
Is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, property, life or the environment. They need urgent intervention to keep the situation from getting worse. A natural disaster is an emergency that is self evident.
This is also know as moral philosophy. It's an area of philosophy that focuses on questions about morality. Concepts such as good and evil are addressed. Ethics in medicine are often difficult to deal with.
Family Health:
Is the health status of the family as a unit. This includes the impact of the health of one member on everybody else. Along with the impact of family organization on the health status of the family as a whole.
Family Nurse Practitioner:
Family Nurse Practitioner, is a Level III Area of Specialization. A Physician Assistant refers to a healthcare professional that is trained and fully licensed to practice the art of medicine with minimal supervision of a fully licensed physician. Advanced Practice Nursing is inclusive of either a clinical nurse specialist or a nurse practitioner.

Thanks to LabDraw, it is now possible for you to quickly find a family nurse practitioner in your area. The website is simple to use and features a convenient interface that presents information to you which is both accurate and frequently updated. You can also read the reviews of others and share your own experiences.

What is a Family Nurse Practitioner?

Nurse practitioners are clinicians who are both autonomous and licensed in preventing disease and treating patients. They are advanced practice registered nurses and as such specialize in certain types of patients, such as the elderly, women or infants. They may also operate in diverse areas such as oncology or the cardiovascular system.

The nurse practitioner was first introduced during the 1960s and since that time their role has continued to evolve. They can diagnose diseases and treatment, and will also perform evaluations on patients in order to review their medical history. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals and will routinely acquire continuous education so they can remain up to date on various new methods and changes which are occurring in the medical field. They educate, consult and perform research, making them one of the most diverse professionals in the healthcare industry.

Common Tasks Performed by Family/Nurse Practitioners

- Diagnosis and treatment of disease
- Disease prevention
- Collaboration with other healthcare professionals
- Review patient records and medical history
- Performs research and consultation
- Requests diagnostic exams

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LabDraw is the premier online resource for finding nurse practitioners and other medical professionals near you. Millions of people search for information on this site and they post reviews which can be read by others to determine the quality of any doctor they're considering using. This information is indispensable in helping you make better decisions regarding the healthcare you receive for your family. Search Now!

Gerontology is studying social, biological, psychological and different aspects of the aging. The multidisciplinary nature of gerontology suggests there are a number of sub-fields. It is closely associated with psychology, and sociology.
Gerontology is studying social, biological, psychological and different aspects of the aging. The multidisciplinary nature of gerontology suggests there are a number of sub-fields. It is closely associated with psychology, and sociology.
Holistic health is a concept in medical practice that deals with all aspects of a person's needs, psychological, physical and social. This view is widely accepted throughout medicine. Alternative medicine believes that disease is a result of emotional, physical, social, spiritual and environmental imbalances.
Home Health:
Is health care or supportive care offered in the home by qualified medical professionals. Home Health care is provided by various health professionals including physiotherapists, doctors, nurses, social workers and psychologists to name a few.
Is the multidisciplinary study of exactly how people transform technology and how it transforms us. It looks at the intersection of people, technology and information systems and the expanding relationship between various information systems and the daily lives of people at work and home. Informatics has developed new uses for extensive information technology.
Long-Term Care:
Is numerous services that help need the medical and non-medical needs of people with chronic illness or disabilities. Both non-skilled and custodial care are normally involved. Long Term Care is normally needed for older people but can be required for people of any age.
Medical is related to the practice or science of medicine. It can require a treatment by medicine. Medical informally refers to a complete physical examination.
This refers to the information about procedures done in medicine and surgery. Medical-Surgical nursing is focused with the care of adult patients in a large range of settings. Medical focuses on the diagnosis and surgical focuses on treatment.
Is also referred to as NICU. It is also called a Special Care Nursery, newborn intensive care unit, intensive care nursery and special baby unit. Neonatal deals with the care of ill or premature infants.
Is also referred to as NICU. It is also called a Special Care Nursery, newborn intensive care unit, intensive care nursery and special baby unit. Neonatal deals with the care of ill or premature infants.
Neonatal, Critical Care:
This is a health department caring from seriously ill babies. These departments are found in children's hospitals. A team of medical health care professionals works together to offer care to these very sick babies.
Refers to scientifically studying the nervous system. Neuroscience has traditionally been seen as a specialized branch of biology. Although it's an interdisciplinary science that works with other fields like math, science, medicine and chemistry. Neuroscience has broadened to include numerous different approaches to study the cellular, molecular, structural, developmental, computational, evolutionary and medical parameters of the nervous system.
Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered:
This is a nurse specializing in administering anesthesia. This type of nurse has acquired further study and board certification in anesthesia. Most Nurse Anesthesiologists work with anesthesiologist, resulting in a specialty team.
Nurse Practitioner:
Is an advanced registered nurse that has finished graduate-level education. They focus on the condition of a patient, along with the affects of illness on the lives of the patients and their families. Nurse Practitioners offer work as a go-between with regards to communication between the doctor and the patient.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nurse Practitioner:
Obstetrics and Gynecology are specialty areas of medicine in which a doctor has studied and been trained to deal with all aspects of birthing and treating specific issues of the woman's reproductive system. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Both Obstetricians and Gynecologists can perform surgical procedures. These specialty doctors are normally only available if referred to by another doctor.
Occupational Health:
Is concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people that work or are employed. This term is often expanded to Occupational Heath and Safety. A specific medical area of Occupational Health is occupational medicine.
Occupational Health:
Is concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people that work or are employed. This term is often expanded to Occupational Heath and Safety. A specific medical area of Occupational Health is occupational medicine.
Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors that are cancerous. An Oncologist is a doctor that practices specifically in oncology. It is concerned with diagnosing cancer, therapy, follow-up, palliative care and screening.
Oncology, Pediatrics:
This pertains to the period just prior to a surgical procedure. It often commences with the preparation of the patient. It ends with the administering of anesthesia in the operating room.
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist:
Pediatrics is the division of medicine that offers medical care to infants, children, and adolescents. A Pediatrician is a medical practitioner who specializes in this area offering medical treatment for adolescents and younger.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner:
Pediatrics is the division of medicine that offers medical care to infants, children, and adolescents. A Pediatrician is a medical practitioner who specializes in this area offering medical treatment for adolescents and younger.
Pediatrics, Critical Care:
This branch of medicine is concerned with the provision of life support or organ support systems in children who are critically ill and require intensive monitoring. They may need support for hemodynamic instability or airway issues. Pediatric Critical Care is usually only offered to children whose condition is potentially reversible.
This refers to the period immediately before and after birth. It is often defined in diverse ways. Normally this period in time starts between the twentieth and twenty eighth week of gestation and ends one to four weeks after the delivery.
This refers to the period immediately before and after birth. It is often defined in diverse ways. Normally this period in time starts between the twentieth and twenty eighth week of gestation and ends one to four weeks after the delivery.
The objective of a Perioperative visit is to meet the patient, identify the problem and review any concerns regarding anesthesiology. Along with looking for any potential drug reactions, assess the patients airways and review any potential investigations that may be required. Finally the anesthetic technique needs planning, information needs to be given to patient and family, pre-medications will be ordered and postoperative care needs to be set up.
Physician Assistant:
LabDraw is a popular online resource for finding physician assistants and other medical professionals in your city, town and state. It has an easy to use interface which will allow you to quickly navigate through the pages to get the contact info of medical professionals while reading the reviews of those who've used them.

What is a Physician Assistant?

A physician assistant is a medical worker who operates under the supervision of a doctor that is licensed. They make the job of the doctor easier and more efficient, reducing their workload by doing things such as acquiring the patient's medical history or setting bones that have been fractured. They will also assist doctors in performing examinations, diagnosis and treatment, and will usually be employed in private practices, clinics or hospitals.

Physician assistants are sometimes confused with medical assistants, but the two are distinct as medical assistants primarily perform clerical and administrative work, while a physician's assistant's job is much more hands on. They are expected to know the fundamentals of human anatomy, pharmacology, biochemistry, pathology and medicine, as they will perform a variety of medical procedures with the exception of those which are highly complex or intricate. The duties a physician assistant is allowed to perform can vary from state to state.

Common Task Performed by Physician Assistants

- Evaluating laboratory tests and X-rays
- Determining best treatment option
- Examining patients
- Analyzing the patient's medical history
- Treating basic diseases and injuries
- Administering medications
- Providing first aid
- Assisting in surgical procedures
- Performing suturing
- Performing various managerial duties
- Applying dressings

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Primary Care:
This term is used for health services by providers that act as the focus point for consultation with patients.
Psychiatric/Mental Health:
Refers to people that suffer from mental distress or illness, such as bipolar disorder, depression, dementia, psychosis or schizophrenia. With this comes behavioral challenges, taking psychiatric medications, along with numerous psychological therapies and other therapies. Therapeutic therapy is extremely beneficial is this area of mental health.
Psychiatric/Mental Health:
Refers to people that suffer from mental distress or illness, such as bipolar disorder, depression, dementia, psychosis or schizophrenia. With this comes behavioral challenges, taking psychiatric medications, along with numerous psychological therapies and other therapies. Therapeutic therapy is extremely beneficial is this area of mental health.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Adult:
An area dealing with mental illness or mental distress in adults. Examples are bipolar disorder, psychosis and depression. As well as schizophrenia or dementia.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Adolescent:
This area deals with childhood mental illness or mental distress. Common mental health issues include depression, anxiety, behavior disorders and ADHD. These disorders can cause issues at home, school and within the community if they aren't addressed.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Family:
Child and Family Mental Health involves numerous health care providers. About fifteen percent of the population has children with mental health disorders. Numerous community organizations offer a wide range of community-based mental health services to mentally ill children and their families.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Chronically Ill:
People that are chronically ill are more likely to have mental health issues than a health individual. For example, studies have shown that chronically ill patients are more likely to be abused, sexually, physically and emotionally. Their mental illness may be intensified because of their poor health status.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Community:
Is also known as Community Mental Health Teams. They support people with mental disorders in a domiciliary setting, instead of an asylum. The community mental health services vary greatly.
Psychiatric/Mental Health, Geropsychiatric:
Individuals that suffer from mental or emotional illness affect everyone in the family. This discipline requires quality care to assess, diagnose and treat acute mental health problems in geriatric patients. Various services that might be offered are assessment and diagnosis, individual and group therapy, treatment plans utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach.
Refers to the restoration of someone to a useful place in our society. It's the complex process of restoring skills to a person that has had an injury or illness. For example, rehabilitation after a stroke might help a person speak and talk again.
Is an institution used from teaching students under the control of teachers. There are a multitude of schools available for study. The School Of Medicine is where a soon to be doctor would study.
Is an institution used from teaching students under the control of teachers. There are a multitude of schools available for study. The School Of Medicine is where a soon to be doctor would study.
Is a term used in surgery like a surgical mask or surgical dressing. It can be defined as, resulting from or occurring after surgery. Surgical also stresses extremely accurate and precise.
This involves moving an organ from one body to another or from a donor site on the patient's body, in order to replace the recipient's damaged organ. Organs that can be transplanted are the eyes, liver, lungs, pancreas, heart, kidneys, intestine and thymus.
Womens Health:
Refers to health issues specific to females. They often relate to the female genitalia and breasts. As well as conditions caused by hormones specific to females.
Womens Health:
Refers to health issues specific to females. They often relate to the female genitalia and breasts. As well as conditions caused by hormones specific to females.