KARI HETTINGER RDH Dental Hygienist (1063965788)



19753 COUNTY ROAD 86
AULT, CO 80610
Phone: (970)-215-0188
Fax: (866)-241-3150
Date Modified: 07/28/2016
Gender: F
Specialty: Dental Hygienist
Taxonomy code: 124Q00000X

Providers Details
KARI HETTINGER RDH has a specialty listed as Dental Hygienist. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of AULT, in the state of CO. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 19753 COUNTY ROAD 86 . The providers telephone number is (970)-215-0188 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Dental Providers: Are simply 'doctors of the teeth and gums.' A Dentist specializes in oral health and focuses on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of issues of the teeth and gums. Semi-annual check-ups are recommended by Dental professionals to help avoid potential problems.
Dental Hygienist: They are a licensed dental professional who is specialized in preventative oral healthy, generally focusing on various techniques in oral hygiene. Normally dental hygienists work for a dentist. Some hygienists are licensed to give local anesthesia.


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