REBECCA GROSSKREUTZ Adult Care Home (1144690181)



23673 291ST AVE
AKELEY, MN 56433
Phone: (218)-652-3005
Fax: (218)-652-6316
Date Modified: 10/02/2015
Gender: F
Specialty: Adult Care Home
Taxonomy code: 311ZA0620X

Providers Details
REBECCA GROSSKREUTZ has a specialty listed as Adult Care Home. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of AKELEY, in the state of MN. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 23673 291ST AVE . The providers telephone number is (218)-652-3005 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Nursing and Custodial Care Facilities: Nursing Care Facilities are essentially nursing homes that are normally the highest level of care for the elders of the population, outside of the hospital. Custodial Care Facilities help individuals with their daily living activates, preparing food and self-administering medications that don't require specific medical care. Custodial Care is non-medical.
Christian Science Facility: These are establishments that provide sanctuary for people that want to rely only on prayer for healing and this is supported by Christian science nurses. These facilities offer twenty-four hour Christian Science Nursing Care. As well this facility may offer outpatient care, home visits, rest and study and respite care.


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