MATTHEW THUJA PA-C Physician Assistant (1477003416)



7150 MAIN ST
OVID, NY 14521
Phone: (607)-403-0065
Fax: (607)-403-0093
Date Modified: 04/04/2017
Gender: M
Specialty: Physician Assistant
Taxonomy code: 363A00000X

Providers Details
MATTHEW THUJA PA-C has a specialty listed as Physician Assistant. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of OVID, in the state of NY. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 7150 MAIN ST . The providers telephone number is (607)-403-0065 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Male.
Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers: A Physician Assistant refers to a healthcare professional that is trained and fully licensed to practice the art of medicine with minimal supervision of a fully licensed physician. Advanced Practice Nursing is inclusive of either a clinical nurse specialist or a nurse practitioner. Clinical nurses offer expert nursing care and help with the development of clinical structures, whereas a nurse practitioner gives direct care, focusing in on the treatment and care of patients.
Physician Assistant: This is a health care professional that is trained and licensed to practice medicine with some guidance from a physician. They are focused on preventing, maintaining and the treatment of illness and injury. Physician Assistants are found in clinics, hospitals and other types of health facilities.Insurance Accepted 1: LICENSE


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