COUNTY OF CLARK Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate (1679791412)



332 W MAIN
DUBOIS, ID 83423
Phone: (208)-374-5304
Fax: (208)-374-5609
Date Modified: 08/29/2011
Specialty: Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate
Taxonomy code: 146M00000X

Providers Details
COUNTY OF CLARK has a specialty listed as Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of DUBOIS, in the state of ID. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 332 W MAIN . The providers telephone number is (208)-374-5304 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Not Reported.
Emergency Medical Service Providers: Are often referred to as EMS. They are an emergency service responsible for offering acute medical care and/or transporting patients to/from medical or health establishments. These health care professionals may also be known as : ambulatory squad, first aid squad or life squad.
Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate: An Intermediate Emergency Medical Technician is a middle level provider of emergency medical services prior to the hospital. Their focus is to give quick emergency care in the field, often stabilizing the patient until they receive further care at a hospital. They are most commonly found implementing pre-hospital emergency care in ambulances, working alongside paramedics and basic emergency medical technicians.Insurance Accepted 1: STATE LICENSE


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