RACHEL PLATT BS Specialist (1760921290)



6190 E LAKE RD
BURT, NY 14028
Phone: (716)-297-0798
Fax: (716)-297-0998
Date Modified: 02/16/2017
Gender: F
Specialty: Specialist
Taxonomy code: 174400000X

Providers Details
RACHEL PLATT BS has a specialty listed as Specialist. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of BURT, in the state of NY. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 6190 E LAKE RD . The providers telephone number is (716)-297-0798 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Other Service Providers: Other service providers are school services and community services in general. They can break down to more specifics like mental health provider, classroom teacher and family support coordinator. They all work together with the health care team.
Specialist: This is an individual with extreme knowledge and experience within a specific field. For example, a pediatrician is a specialist in children. A surgeon is a specialist in surgery.Insurance Accepted 1: NYS


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