MISTY ANDERSON PTA Physical Therapy Assistant (1760996102)



6138 MAIN ST
TURIN, NY 13473
Phone: (315)-348-8406
Date Modified: 03/17/2018
Gender: F
Specialty: Physical Therapy Assistant
Taxonomy code: 225200000X

Providers Details
MISTY ANDERSON PTA has a specialty listed as Physical Therapy Assistant. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of TURIN, in the state of NY. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 6138 MAIN ST . The providers telephone number is (315)-348-8406 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers: These are service providers focused on healing, uplifting, invigorating, respirational functions of growing, evolving, and changing patients and conditions.
Physical Therapy Assistant: A Physical Therapist Assistant has various duties, depending on the environment the are working in. They may work in extended are establishments with geriatric patients, in hospital settings with a variety of patients or in outpatient clinics. Physical Therapist Assistants work under the supervision of a licensed physiotherapist.


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6138 MAIN ST
TURIN, NY 13473
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