FAMILY VISIONS Case Management (1831304492)



1007 W 5TH ST
FILER, ID 83328
Phone: (208)-404-9500
Fax: (208)-326-5187
Date Modified: 07/08/2008
Specialty: Case Management
Taxonomy code: 251B00000X

Providers Details
FAMILY VISIONS has a specialty listed as Case Management. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of FILER, in the state of ID. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 1007 W 5TH ST . The providers telephone number is (208)-404-9500 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Not Reported.
Agencies: A health agency is an organization or business establishment that provides a specific service. Some health agencies are for profit and others aren't. Examples are Community Health Centers, Nursing Homes and Government Agencies.
Case Management: This is a general term used in the facilitation of specific treatment plan to make certain appropriate medical care is given to ill, disabled or injured patients. The focus here is meeting the individual's needs. Case management is used with community care for the elderly, people with mental health issues, disabilities, management of injuries through insurance and the within the court system as well as numerous others. Examples of Case Managers are health professionals, human service professionals and administrative staff positioned for the role.


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