MS. BARBARA NEUJAHR Optometric Assistant (1952713679)



14 2ND ST NE
BAGLEY, MN 56621
Phone: (218)-694-2442
Fax: (218)-694-2446
Date Modified: 05/29/2014
Gender: F
Specialty: Optometric Assistant
Taxonomy code: 156FX1201X

Providers Details
MS. BARBARA NEUJAHR has a specialty listed as Optometric Assistant. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of BAGLEY, in the state of MN. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 14 2ND ST NE . The providers telephone number is (218)-694-2442 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Eye and Vision Services Providers: Include Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians. Simply put they are doctors and nurses of the eyes. They are responsible for examining, diagnosing and treating issues pertaining to sight.
Technician/Technologist: A Technician looks after technical equipment or does practical work in a laboratory. They are experts in practically applying a science. As well, they are often known for being skilled in artistic and intellectual technique.Insurance Accepted 1: UCARE
Insurance Accepted 1: RR MEDICARE
Insurance Accepted 1: RR MEDICARE
Insurance Accepted 1: BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD


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