TANYA REID CRYSTAL FNP-C Registered Nurse (1982051751)



1308 8TH ST
RUPERT, ID 83350
Phone: (208)-436-4322
Fax: (208)-436-1312
Date Modified: 08/25/2023
Gender: F
Specialty: Registered Nurse
Taxonomy code: 163W00000X

Providers Details
TANYA REID CRYSTAL FNP-C has a specialty listed as Registered Nurse. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of RUPERT, in the state of ID. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 1308 8TH ST . The providers telephone number is (208)-436-4322 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Nursing Service Providers: Nurses offer care and support to patients. An RN is something of a specialist in patient care and an LPN is more of a generalist. Nurses can be somewhat stationary in a hospital setting or they may offer their services in another setting such as a nursing home or they may even do home visits.
Registered Nurse: A Registered Nurse is a graduate from a nursing program at a college or university and they have successfully passed a national licensing examination. They assist individuals, groups and families to prevent disease and achieve good health. They take care of the sick and injured in numerous establishments, like hospitals, private homes and other health care facilities.


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