LINDA F HAVARD Preferred Provider Organization (1942746458)



16462 S US HIGHWAY 69
Phone: (936)-635-5791
Fax: (936)-876-2080
Date Modified: 01/25/2017
Gender: F
Specialty: Preferred Provider Organization
Taxonomy code: 305R00000X

Providers Details
LINDA F HAVARD has a specialty listed as Preferred Provider Organization. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of HUNTINGTON, in the state of TX. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 16462 S US HIGHWAY 69 . The providers telephone number is (936)-635-5791 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Managed Care Organizations: These are organizations that offer a variety of techniques intended to lower the overall cost of providing health benefits, while improving the quality of care. This is done for organizations that use these specific techniques. Or they help in configuring the financing and the delivery of health care to the enrollees.
Preferred Provider Organization: A PPO is a managed care health organization of physicians, hospitals and various other health care providers that have connected with an insurer or other administrator offer health care a lower rates to the clients. This is a subscription-based medical care plan. With this subscription clients enjoy a substantially reduced rate.


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