DR. EDWARD CHARLES LOMIRE D.M.D. General Dentistry Practice (1083714174)



1309 ROUTE 100
BARTO, PA 19504
Phone: (610)-845-2664
Fax: (610)-845-2354
Date Modified: 07/08/2007
Gender: M
Specialty: General Dentistry Practice
Taxonomy code: 1223G0001X

Providers Details
DR. EDWARD CHARLES LOMIRE D.M.D. has a specialty listed as General Dentistry Practice. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of BARTO, in the state of PA. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 1309 ROUTE 100 . The providers telephone number is (610)-845-2664 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Male.
Dental Providers: Are simply 'doctors of the teeth and gums.' A Dentist specializes in oral health and focuses on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of issues of the teeth and gums. Semi-annual check-ups are recommended by Dental professionals to help avoid potential problems.
Dentist: A Dentist is a certified medical professional that specializes in taking care of teeth, gums and mouths. Dentistry is the branch of medicine focused in the study, diagnosis, prevention and planned treatment if disorders, diseases and conditions of the oral cavity and its associated structures. A Dentist is important in ensuring good overall health. A dentist is dependent on a support team consisting of dental assistance, dental technicians, dental therapists and dental hygienists.


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