Low Vision Rehabilitation 152WL0500X

Low Vision Rehabilitation: This is a specialty within the medical profession of optometry and ophthalmology. It deals with rehabilitating individuals that have poor vision even when using the best possible glasses or contact lenses available. This diagnosis can be a result of congenital disease or various acquired factors.

Taxonomy Code: 152WL0500X

Eye and Vision Services Providers | Optometrist | Low Vision Rehabilitation

Eye and Vision Services Providers: Include Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians. Simply put they are doctors and nurses of the eyes. They are responsible for examining, diagnosing and treating issues pertaining to sight.

Optometrist: An Optometrist is an primary health care provider that specializes in the examination, treatment, diagnosis, management and prevention of disease and various disorder of the eye and associated structures. Some of their responsibilities are examining the eye to diagnose, treat and possibly refer for treatment of an abnormal condition, in collaboration with doctors and other health professionals. As well, they prescribe, and fit glasses and contact lenses.

Low Vision Rehabilitation specialists are located in these States: