LISA GARDISSER Computed Tomography (1801297189)



2646 HWY 56 E
LYONS, GA 30436
Phone: (912)-293-0056
Date Modified: 09/05/2014
Gender: F
Specialty: Computed Tomography
Taxonomy code: 2471C3401X

Providers Details
LISA GARDISSER has a specialty listed as Computed Tomography. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of LYONS, in the state of GA. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 2646 HWY 56 E . The providers telephone number is (912)-293-0056 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Technologists, Technicians and Other Technical Service Providers: There are numerous different types of Health Technologists and technicians within the industry, including both the physical and mental health fields. Some of the areas covered are mental health, emergency medical technician and occupational health. A behavioral technician oversees issues about documents and patient records in a mental health facility, whereas a lab technician works primarily with lab equipment.
Radiologic Technologist: Is also known as a medical radiation technologist as well a radiographer. They perform imaging of the body for diagnosing and treating medical issues. They often work in clinics, hospitals, private practices and medical labs. They often work with a team of health specialists including physical therapists, respiratory therapists, nurses and surgeons.


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