Adult Companion 372600000X

Adult Companion: Is someone that cares for an elderly person with post operative assistance. Adult Companions work in numerous areas within the health industry. They are very helpful for the elderly in nursing homes as they my need some extra help as well has helping individuals recover from an accident or medical procedure at home.

Taxonomy Code: 372600000X

Nursing Service Related Providers | Adult Companion | Adult Companion

Nursing Service Related Providers: Service providers like nurses are critical in the overall well-being of the community. These specialty providers may not have a nursing degree but they perform services similar to a nurse. Some examples are child care servants, maids, cooks, healers, attendants and daycare workers.

Adult Companion: Is someone that cares for an elderly person with post operative assistance. Adult Companions work in numerous areas within the health industry. They are very helpful for the elderly in nursing homes as they my need some extra help as well has helping individuals recover from an accident or medical procedure at home.

Adult Companion specialists are located in these States: