Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit 276400000X

Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit: This medical unit is where the process of medical and psychotherapy treatment for drug dependence takes place. Examples of these drugs that are abused are alcohol, prescription drugs and cocaine. The intent of this rehabilitation is to enable the patient to stop abusing the drug.

Taxonomy Code: 276400000X

Hospital Units | Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit | Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit

Hospital Units: Are areas of the hospital not considered departments that provide specific patient care. These are inclusive of many special care wards. Examples are Pediatric Dialysis Unit, Intensive Care Units and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit: This medical unit is where the process of medical and psychotherapy treatment for drug dependence takes place. Examples of these drugs that are abused are alcohol, prescription drugs and cocaine. The intent of this rehabilitation is to enable the patient to stop abusing the drug.

Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder Unit specialists are located in these States: