Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Adolescent 364SP0807X

Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Adolescent: This area deals with childhood mental illness or mental distress. Common mental health issues include depression, anxiety, behavior disorders and ADHD. These disorders can cause issues at home, school and within the community if they aren't addressed.

Taxonomy Code: 364SP0807X

Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers | Clinical Nurse Specialist | Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Adolescent

Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nursing Providers: A Physician Assistant refers to a healthcare professional that is trained and fully licensed to practice the art of medicine with minimal supervision of a fully licensed physician. Advanced Practice Nursing is inclusive of either a clinical nurse specialist or a nurse practitioner. Clinical nurses offer expert nursing care and help with the development of clinical structures, whereas a nurse practitioner gives direct care, focusing in on the treatment and care of patients.

Clinical Nurse Specialist: Is an advanced practice nurse, with a masters or doctorate. They work with other nurses to improve their nursing practices and offer clinical expertise to help implement system-wide changes for improvement. Examples of different specialties are pediatrics, critical care, diabetes, psychiatric and wounds.

Psychiatric/Mental Health, Child and Adolescent specialists are located in these States: