New Hampshire (NH) Physical Therapist 225100000X

Physical Therapist: A growing number of people are turning to LabDraw to find the best physical therapists in their city. This site provides the current information regarding local healthcare providers, which means the information you find in it will be accurate. Not only can you read the reviews of others, but you can also post your own.

What is a Physical Therapist?

A physical therapist is a medical professional that treats and diagnosis patients in every age range who have problems moving naturally and performing basic daily functions. They examine each patient and come up with a plan to address their condition, helping them to restore mobility so that they can move normally without feeling pain. In addition to treating patients who have existing mobility problems, they can also help prevent these problems from occurring in those that are susceptible to them.

Physical therapists specialize in the development of wellness programs and fitness routines which help their patients to live a more healthy and active lifestyle. They will often be employed in clinics, hospitals, gyms and nursing homes. They require a license issued by the state in order to operate, and they develop theoretical and practical applications for the restoration and promotion of physical function.

Common Conditions Seen by Physical Therapists

- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy
- Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS)
- Trigeminal Neuralgia Association
- Alzheimer's disease
- Stroke
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Multiple Sclerosis

Search for a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Clinic in Your Neighborhood

LabDraw is an excellent resource for finding the most highly rated physical therapists and clinics in your area. Our website is used daily by lots of people to find a variety of healthcare services and professionals. Best of all, you can read the reviews which have been posted by others and then post some of your own. Get informed by using LabDraw today. Search LabDraw, Today!

Taxonomy Code: 225100000X

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