Great Lakes Family Care - McBain


0 Reviews

Great Lakes Family Care - McBain (QD-01114)119 Roland St, McBain, MI 49657
McBain, MI
Phone: (800)-377-8448
You can make an appointment using an automated phone system. CALL: 888-277-8772

Laboratory Details
Great Lakes Family Care - McBain (QD-01114) is in the city of McBain, in the state of MI. This laboratory is listed as practicing at this street address: 119 Roland St, McBain, MI 49657. The telephone number is (800)-377-8448 .
This laboratory is reported as performing these services:
Pediatric Draws: N
Handicap Accessible: N
Drug Screens: Y
COAG Draws: N
Hair Alcohol Collections: N
Hair Drug Collections: N
DNA Paternity Testing: N
Monday: 9A-5P
Tuesday: 9A-5P
Wednesday: 9A-5P
Thursday: 9A-5P
Friday: 9A-5P
Saturday: Not Reported (NR)
Sunday: Not Reported (NR)

Map To Great Lakes Family Care - McBain (QD-01114)

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Great Lakes Family Care - McBain (QD-01114)
119 Roland St, McBain, MI 49657