KENNETH B WILLIAMS MD Psychiatry (1043311293)



5465 C R 1725
ELK CITY, KS 67344
Phone: (316)-516-7131
Fax: (316)-239-7179
Date Modified: 10/25/2011
Gender: M
Specialty: Psychiatry
Taxonomy code: 2084P0800X

Providers Details
KENNETH B WILLIAMS MD has a specialty listed as Psychiatry. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of ELK CITY, in the state of KS. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 5465 C R 1725 . The providers telephone number is (316)-516-7131 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Male.
Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians: Allopathic physicians are general doctors (Medical Doctor or MD), whereas osteopathic physicians (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or DO) deal specifically with Osteopathy, targeting in healing the body with minimal use of medicine with an emphasis focusing on preventative care. Both types are fully licensed physicians, educated in diagnosing, as well as offering treatment for various illnesses and disorders.
Psychiatry and Neurology: Psychiatry is a medical term used for the study and treatment of numerous mental disorders. Neurology targets the anatomy, functions and basic organic disorders of the nervous system. The ABPH is the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, that's a non-profit corporation founded back in 1934.


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