BASEM FANOUS DPM Podiatrist (1336173871)



HWY 281N
CANDO, ND 58324
Phone: (701)-968-2541
Fax: (701)-968-2574
Date Modified: 07/09/2007
Gender: M
Specialty: Podiatrist
Taxonomy code: 213E00000X

Providers Details
BASEM FANOUS DPM has a specialty listed as Podiatrist. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of CANDO, in the state of ND. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: HWY 281N . The providers telephone number is (701)-968-2541 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Male.
Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Service Providers: Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Service Providers is medicine focused specifically on the study, diagnose and treatment of conditions affecting the ankle, foot and various parts of the leg. Most large healthcare establishments have a branch for Podiatric Medicine. There doctors and healthcare personal have chosen to specialize in the areas of the foot, ankle and leg.
Podiatrist: A Podiatrist is devoted to the branch of medicine that studies, diagnoses and treats numerous disorders of the ankle, food and lower leg. There are many areas Podiatrists can focus on including sports medicine, surgery pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics or primary care. Most Podiatrists work in solo practice.Insurance Accepted 1: BCBS PROVIDER #
Insurance Accepted 1: BCBS PROVIDER #


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