MRS. KELSI JO SCHNACK MS/CCC-SLP/L Speech-Language Pathologist (1467684126)



801 SW 9TH ST
ALEDO, IL 61231
Phone: (309)-582-5350
Fax: (309)-582-3457
Date Modified: 07/21/2022
Gender: F
Specialty: Speech-Language Pathologist
Taxonomy code: 235Z00000X

Providers Details
MRS. KELSI JO SCHNACK MS/CCC-SLP/L has a specialty listed as Speech-Language Pathologist. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of ALEDO, in the state of IL. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 801 SW 9TH ST . The providers telephone number is (309)-582-5350 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers: Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers offer evaluation and treatment options for specific language and hearing issues. They can be found working in numerous settings including private and public schools, group homes, hospitals and nursing facilities. They work with such issues as articulation, expressive language, stuttering, pragmatic language, swallowing and oral motor skills.
Speech-Language Pathologist: The type of medical specialist focuses on evaluating and treating speech, language, swallowing, fluency and voice disorders as a result of delayed development, genetic disorders or accidents. Normally they work with a team that can include doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, teachers, audiologists, physical therapists, counselors and occupational therapists. They can be found in numerous health venues such as hospitals, clinics, government agencies and schools.


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