COOK WHOLESALE CO INC Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies (1871710715)



162 HIGHWAY 13 S
MORTON, MS 39117
Phone: (601)-732-6334
Fax: (601)-732-7124
Date Modified: 01/26/2021
Specialty: Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies
Taxonomy code: 332B00000X

Providers Details
COOK WHOLESALE CO INC has a specialty listed as Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of MORTON, in the state of MS. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 162 HIGHWAY 13 S . The providers telephone number is (601)-732-6334 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Not Reported.
Suppliers: Health suppliers may refer to numerous manufacturers, distributers, wholesalers and wholesalers and other services that are used within the health care industry. For instance, a medical supplier with provide a hospital with items such as gauze, medical tape, bandages and cotton balls. A specific supplier may be used to order specific drugs from for prescription purposes.
Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies: Describes any medical equipment or supplies used in a home to help improve the quality of living. This might refer to handles in the bathtub, to help an elderly person get out of the bath independently. Or is may be some bandages and tape to help an individual replace their feeding tube.


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MORTON, MS 39117
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MORTON, MS 39117

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