KAYLA JO MADLER D.C. Chiropractor (1922193424)



315 S MAIN ST #101
BURNS, WY 82053
Phone: (307)-547-3330
Fax: (307)-547-3339
Date Modified: 04/16/2020
Gender: F
Specialty: Chiropractor
Taxonomy code: 111N00000X

Providers Details
KAYLA JO MADLER D.C. has a specialty listed as Chiropractor. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of BURNS, in the state of WY. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 315 S MAIN ST #101 . The providers telephone number is (307)-547-3330 .
This healthcare provider has their gender reported as Female.
Chiropractic Providers: Are a form of alternative medicine, with the basis of diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The belief is all of these issues arise through the nervous system. Their main method of treatment is through physical manipulation of the body, particularly the spine.
Chiropractor: Chiropractors utilize a combination of treatments, each of which are predicated on the needs of the patient. They use non-invasive therapies such as therapeutic exercises, treatment/management plan and offer nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling. For numerous conditions, such as lower back issues, chiropractic care is frequently implemented.


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