Military Health Care Provider 171000000X

Military Health Care Provider: A Military Health Care Provider trains and prepares individuals to give the best medicine, find new methods to treat and prevent diseases and to teach the best medicine in the world. A Military Health Care Provider offers medical and health services to members of the military. They also educate and research on the best medicines and medical treatments.

Taxonomy Code: 171000000X

Other Service Providers | Military Health Care Provider | Military Health Care Provider

Other Service Providers: Other service providers are school services and community services in general. They can break down to more specifics like mental health provider, classroom teacher and family support coordinator. They all work together with the health care team.

Military Health Care Provider: A Military Health Care Provider trains and prepares individuals to give the best medicine, find new methods to treat and prevent diseases and to teach the best medicine in the world. A Military Health Care Provider offers medical and health services to members of the military. They also educate and research on the best medicines and medical treatments.

Military Health Care Provider specialists are located in these States: