Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 323P00000X

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility: They provide non-acute inpatient care for individuals that have a mental illness and/or substance abuse or dependency. These individuals require twenty-four hour supervision and special interventions. This type of facility often works with a team of medical health professionals.

Taxonomy Code: 323P00000X

Residential Treatment Facilities | Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility | Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

Residential Treatment Facilities: A Residential Treatment Facility may be referred to as rehab. It's alive-in treatment care facility offering therapy for numerous different substance abusers, people with mental illnesses or other behavioral issues. This facility is normally the 'last resort' when dealing with these issues.

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility: They provide non-acute inpatient care for individuals that have a mental illness and/or substance abuse or dependency. These individuals require twenty-four hour supervision and special interventions. This type of facility often works with a team of medical health professionals.

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility specialists are located in these States: