Secured Medical Transport (VAN) 343800000X

Secured Medical Transport (VAN): This provides non-emergency wheelchair accessible van transportation, for example. In general it supplies safe and reliable transportation for those that need assistance. Numerous private and public health-related organizations offer these services.

Taxonomy Code: 343800000X

Transportation Services | Secured Medical Transport (VAN) | Secured Medical Transport (VAN)

Transportation Services: Transportation Services are used to get patients to and from medical facilities and patient care residences. Some common examples are ambulances, medical helicopters and planes, along with specific buses and vans. Numerous organizations offer transportation services for people that would otherwise have no way to get to the medical facility or associated venue.

Secured Medical Transport (VAN): This provides non-emergency wheelchair accessible van transportation, for example. In general it supplies safe and reliable transportation for those that need assistance. Numerous private and public health-related organizations offer these services.

Secured Medical Transport (VAN) specialists are located in these States: